Stadsherberg de Mol - Molslaan 104 - 2611 RP Delft - Tel. 015 21 21 343 -
You can contact our office from Tuesday to Friday from 11.00 AM until 19.00 PM . Outside these hours our staff will try to help you, but it is possible you will get our answering machine, on which you can leave a message.
Our address :
Stadsherberg de Mol
Molslaan 104
2611 RP Delft
The Netherlands
Our telephone and fax numer ::
Telephone 015-2121343
Fax 015-2158095
For a route to Stadsherberg de Mol : ROUTE [1]
Stadsherberg de Mol is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Delft under registration number 18124530 .